Welcome to Joshua Bate Trading Bermuda Ltd.

LIVING IN BERMUDA IS A GIFT. From the sparkly blue water and pink sandy beaches to the colourful buildings and clean white rooftops, there is beauty everywhere. However, residing on a rock in the middle of the ocean is not without its challenges . . . especially when making major buying decisions.

Due to the limitation of Bermuda’s retail and wholesale distribution options, Joshua Bate Trading Bermuda Ltd was established.  “Serving & Saving Bermudians Since 1992,” millions of dollars have been saved, as well as time and energy spared, due to the efficient service provided.

Sourcing goods with purchasing power from as high up the distribution chain as possible, virtually guarantees customers the best value on major purchases through use of Joshua Bate Trading Bermuda Ltd’s award-winning services.

Whether you need a new Appliance right away, want to buy goods from an on-line retailer, shop for the best price on items from a specific manufacturer or source any type of product for a residential or commercial project, we can assist!

This website should be your resource, as the starting point to an informed decision before making any major purchase.

As the the proud recipients of Consumer Affairs Bermuda “People’s Choice Award” for “Exceptional Customer Service” and the “Board’s Business Select Award” for “Exceptional Customer Service & Innovative Business Practices,” we want to thank all of our friends and customers for your nominations and support.

All of the Joshua Bate Trading Bermuda Ltd team works hard to provide not only exceptional value to their Bermudian customers, but also unbeatable customer service. Our team believes in treating our customers in the same way we want to be treated – with respect, fairness and kindness. We hope your experience doing business with us is worthy of sharing with your family and friends . . . we always aim to please.

© 2025 Joshua Bate Trading Bermuda, Ltd.. All rights reserved.